
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Unequally Yoked

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"- 2 Corinthians 6:14

Being equally yoked in the Bible simply means that both of the people in the relationship are saved and serving God. Finding someone in this era that you both love and are equally yoked with can be really tough. Also, it can be really hard to pass up the chances that you have with people that are unequally yoked with you. There's going to be really decent people that aren't saved that you will really like and maybe even love, but God doesn't want this for you. God doesn't want you to be with someone that is going to disobey Him. God wants someone for you that will serve Him along side you and help you grow closer to God. If you were to marry someone that is unequally yoked, then they would just bring you further away from your relationship with God.

I know how easy it is to fall for someone that isn't equally yoked. I've done it plenty of times. They know all the right things to say, they put up a good act, and they sometimes try to be Godly for you. But sooner or later, if they don't get saved, their true colors are going to shine through. All the sins that they have had hidden will soon come out, and you will be left with the person that took you away from God. Currently, there is this guy that I really like and care for very deeply. He's obviously not saved. He has a lot of sin in his life and he seems to get worse. But the thing is, he is such a great person beyond that. He's super funny, his laugh gives me butterflies, he's very genuine and intelligent. But no matter what kind of person he is, at the end of the day, he still doesn't know God. How can I care so deeply for someone that doesn't see what the amazing things that God has done in his life? I pray for him daily and I have done so for almost a year now. I pray for the day that he will get saved, and I might have a chance with him. But I know that if he doesn't get right with God, I can't be with him. I can't leave God, who sent His only son to die for me. God deserves my praise, and I want to be with someone that is going to praise Him with me.

It seems that as time passes, there are more of the wrong guys out there compared to the number of Godly guys. More and more people are living a life of sin, and we might be surprised who is and who isn't. But God does have someone out there for everyone. Someone that they can pray with, praise God with, read the Bible with, and so on. A person that is going to love you beyond belief because God put that love for you in that person's heart. The love that comes from God is greater than anything else that you could think of. It's so strong, and it can never break. Waiting for this person can be hard. I experience a lot of loneliness from the idea of being alone, but I must have faith that God will send me someone soon. While you are praying at night for God to send you someone, you could be praying for someone half across the world and not even know it, and that person could be fixing breakfast while doing the exact same thing. Remember that there is a special person out there that loves you. You might not have met yet, but there is someone. God's love will never fail.

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