Romans 8:25 - "But if we hope for that we see not, [then] do we with patience wait for [it]."
It's one thing to believe in God, and another to trust Him enough to wait for His timing. To us, God is very mysterious, for He knows what's to come, and we know nothing of our future. For me, I like everything to be in my control. When things are in my control, I feel comfortable with my life. Giving the control to God is very hard for me at times. When a long amount of time passes, and God hasn't worked yet, I feel like I have to take back over, and fix the situation myself, when God is fully capable of handling things on his own. If we are to give the control to God, He will surprise us with blessings that we believe to be impossible, just like with Abram.
When Abram was ninety nine, and his wife, Sarah, was ninety, God appeared before Abraham, reminding him of the promise God made to him that he would be a father of many.
Genesis 17:5- "Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee."
Genesis 17:6- "And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee."
Abraham fell to his face when God spoke these things to him, laughing that God had said that him and his wife would be fruitful, and have a child at the ages of a hundred and ninety. The task seemed impossible, and Abraham had a hard time having faith in God because the idea of having a child was so foreign to him, for him and Sarah had went their whole lives without being able to have children. They had gave up, and accepted that they were meant to have no children.
Though, God had other plans, giving Abraham and Sarah children, and blessing them beyond belief, even at their old ages. Abraham didn't have the faith that he should have had in God, but God still stood by his promise to make Abraham a father, and it was so.
God will come through with His promises, whether we believe it or not. God is a being of His word, and He will not back down from what He says. We need to find the faith and patience that God is worthy of receiving because God has such bright futures for each of us, and if we don't wait on God, we will ruin the plans that God has for us. Even though, hope seems lost, it is never lost when we have God on our side.
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