
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Beware of Cavities

Our teeth are something that needs to be taken care of every single day. They need to be flossed and brushed, and mouth wash can be used to add even further care. If teeth are taken care of as they should, they can work against cavities, and they can be built up to be very strong. 

On the other hand, if our teeth are not taken care of every day, they can develop cavities, and other serious damage. After this damage has been done, toothpaste, floss, and mouth wash is not able to fix that damage. At that point, teeth may have to be pulled, or a dentist will need to drill the cavity out of the tooth. 

Our relationship with God is the exact same concept. If we daily care for our relationship with God; praying, reading our Bible, witnessing for Him, etc. the connection we have with God will grow to be very strong. 

Contrary to living for God, if we don't care for our relationship with God daily, and we keep sin in our lives, cavities will be created, or in this sense, damage to our spiritual life. After the damage of sin has been done, reading our Bibles, or witnessing will not be able to change what has been done in the past, and it surely won't take it away. At that point, the dentist, our Heavenly Father has to step in, and we have to repent of our sins. Repentance is the only thing that will take the sins away. 

Unfortunately, while on this Earth, sin will not be forgotten. God will forgive, but until we die, we have to live with what sins we commit while in the world, which is why it is so important to stay away from sin. Even though it may be forgiven, sin has the possibility to follow us the rest of our days. Sin has the power to permanently damage our lives, and it can be out of our control, much like our teeth that can't be fixed once they are gone. 

Having sin in our lives brings more problems than luxuries. It may not be instant damage, but be sure that sin will have its consequences at one point or another. Sin builds up until it turns into something much worse. Don't let sin damage your life, take care of your sin from the start, and let God cleanse you. 

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