
Monday, September 14, 2015

Beware of Sharks

A thought came into my head the other day when I saw a picture of a whale and shark that someone had posted on Facebook. The top pictured showed a Killer Whale, the bottom picture was a Great White Shark, and then there was a joke at the bottom. Though, what I thought about was the fact that they have both killed people, but they are looked at differently. Of course, it's not the animals' faults that people are in their feeding grounds, but these animals' actions can display those of the human race. 

The Killer Whale does not harm near the amount of people as the Great White, though, it's called a 'Killer' Whale. The Great White Shark does harm, but it is called 'Great.' How does this compare with the world today? 

The Killer Whale can be compared to Christians. No doubt, Christians mess up sometimes, and as soon as they do, it seems as if sinners, and sometimes even other Christians, are waiting to put them down. They are waiting to ridicule them and shame them for sinning against God, even if they are not living for God themselves. People will call out hypocrite unto them, or 'Killer,' in this sense. A lot of the time, no matter how the name-caller is living their own life, they will make sure that the person that is trying to spread God's word is taken down because they want to see them fail. Also, people don't want to be told that they are living their life wrong. When Christians try to tell the world of their sin, many will persecute the Christian for 'judging' them. They want to be able to live their life of sin, therefore, they make the Christian seem like the bad guy. 

The Great White Shark is the sinners of the world. I can't think of many cases where a person that was living a Godly life was praised for what they do in the media, instead, the people that are living their life against God is greatly praised. For example, as soon as we turn on our TVs, we see celebrities, singers, movie stars, etc. being praised. These people have the ability to influence millions and millions of people, and they are doing just that. The only thing is, these people are teaching their fans to be drunkards, liars, fornicators, etc. Though, at the same time, they are looked at as being great role models. When these celebrities are praised, they are telling the world that they should be like them, which leads to a destructive path. Sinners, much like the Great White, has the ability to destroy someone's life, and lead them far from God.

In the world, there are many sharks. They can be anyone; teachers, family members, friends, and maybe even church members. There's always going to be sharks, and it is up to us to decide who we are going to consider to be role models. Are we going to follow our fellow Christians who are trying to live for God, or are we going to follow the world who hates the work of God, and denies Him? None is great except for God, and the world needs to get back to a time where this truth was followed. 

Sharks will destroy, but I know someone that can mend the worst wounds, God. 

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