Genesis, chapters 2 and 3, tells the story of the first sin. God created the first humans on the sixth day of Earth, and their names were Adam and Eve. They were placed in the garden of Eden, and God told them that they could eat of any tree, except for the tree of knowledge. The tree of knowledge would show them good and evil, letting them know about sin, therefore, they would be able to willingly sin against God, which is why we need saved in the first place. The devil came unto Adam and Eve through the form of a serpent, and the serpent told them that the only reason that God didn't want them to eat of the fruit was not because they would die like God said, but because God didn't want them to be mighty and knowledgeable like Him. So Eve, wanting to gain wisdom, ate of the tree of knowledge, then gave some of the fruit to Adam, and they both ate of the fruit. They saw that they were naked, being a sin, so they covered themselves with fig leaves. When God spoke to them, they hid. God asked why they were hiding, and Adam told Him it was because they were naked. God saw that they had ate the fruit because they knew they had sinned. Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent.
The sin of Eve began a domino effect in the world of sin. Once Eve sinned, everyone and everything was affected. If she had acted differently, God wouldn't have had to punish them, and the world today would be completely different.
1) The Serpent: For his wrong doings, God cursed the serpent, snake, that it would have to crawl on its stomach, and eat of the dust of the Earth. If it wasn't for the actions of the devil in the form of the serpent, snakes wouldn't have to crawl on their stomachs in the dirt and dust of the ground.
2) Relationship With God: God put Adam and Eve out of the garden, making it that they could not have one-on-one conversations with God anymore. If it wasn't for their sin, it is possible that we could have actually had conversations with God, instead of through prayer.
3) Painful Childbirth: For Eve's disobedience, God oath-ed that childbirth for women would be very painful. Childbirth is known for being very painful, and Eve can be thanked for that.
4) Weeds: For Adam's disobedience, God cursed the ground, making growing plants very difficult, and He created weeds and thistles to inhabit the ground. Weeds can stunt the growth of plants, just like Adam stunted the growth of his relationship with God by sinning.
5) Hard Work: God also made work hard, as He said that men would endure sweat. Work would have been much easier if Adam and Eve would not have sinned.
6) Death: Physical death was now a part of life because sin leads to death. Due to their sin, people have to die at some point in their life.
7) Continuous Sin: Because Adam and Eve sinned once, sin will always continue throughout mankind because everyone has the knowledge of sin now. If we didn't have the knowledge of sin, we wouldn't have the willpower to decide to sin, making it impossible to willingly do wrong.
If Eve had another chance, I'm pretty sure that she would've acted differently. Her one sin spouted billions of sins throughout the many years that the Earth has been around. This shows us how one sin can affect us greatly, and the power that it has on others. We should all think about the consequences of our actions before sinning. It's impossible to rid the Earth of sin, but by obeying God, we may make the Earth a Godlier place.
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