
Friday, September 11, 2015

One Lie Brings Much Destruction

When David had gained much power in the kingdom, Saul built up motivation to kill him, in order to protect his throne. David fled to Nob to protect himself, and went unto the priest, Ahimelech who asked him why he was alone. David answered in a lie saying that Saul had given him orders to come, but not to let anyone know of the details of the orders. 

David told Ahimelech that men were supposed to meet him, and he asked for five loaves of bread for him and the men. Ahimelech had no plain bread, so he have holy bread unto David. 

The chief of Saul's herdsmen, Doeg, was at Nob that day as well. When David asked Ahimelech for a weapon, saying it was part of Saul's request, he was given the sword of Goliath, Doeg seeing the exchange.

David fled Nod after reviewing materials, and went to Adullam. When David's brothers, his father's clan, and everyone who was indebted to him had heard of his fleeing, they went to him, bringing a total of four hundred men with them. 

Saul heard where David and his men were, and he was angered, asking all of his men why they hadn't told him. Then Doeg spoke up to Saul saying that he saw David go to the priest, and there, the priest gave him food and a weapon. 

Saul sent for Ahimelech, along with Ahimelech's family and other priests in Nob. Saul questioned Ahimelech about the plot that he and David had against him, and Ahimelech denied the accusations, saying that he had no evil intentions. Though, Saul would not believe him, and told Ahimelech that him and his family would be killed. 

Saul told his guards to kill the priests of Jehovah becasue they had plotted against him, but the servants would not do as they were told. So, Saul told Doeg to kill the priests, and he followed orders, killing eighty five men. 

One of the sons of Ahimelech, Abiathar, fled to David, and told him what Saul had done. David said that he knew Doeg would tell, and that he felt responsible for what had happened to his family. David promised Abiathar that from that day on, he would protect his life before his own, for he was now indebted to Abiathar for he was to blame for his family's death. 

Because of the simple lie that David told Ahimelech, it cost eighty five men their lives. If David would've simply told Ahimelech the truth, Ahimelech would've had the opportunity to choose his own path, but because Ahimelech was told a lie, he didn't have the discernment to consider the outcome. This goes to show that our sins can not only harm our own lives, but it can cost others as well. 

A lie has the power to bring about much evil. Even the most simple lie can really do harm in someone's life, and more importantly, their relationship with God. Lies aren't worth the consequences that come about because of them. If we are to be honest, even when it's hard, or we think we are saving someone from the pain of the truth, we can prevent a lot of future heartbreak. Sin will always find you out, and a lie is not an exception to that 

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