A disciple in Damascus named Ananias was called upon by the Lord in a vision and he said, "Behold, here I am, Lord." The Lord told him to go into the street, which is called Straight, and to go to the house of Judas in search of a man, Saul. Ananias was concerned because he had heard of the great evil that Saul had committed, but the Lord told him to go because Saul had been chosen of Him. Ananias went and put his hands on Saul and prayed unto the Lord that He would give Saul back his sight and that he would be filled with the Holy Ghost, and it was so. After Saul received his sight back, he was baptized and fed.
The city was very shocked to hear of the baptizing of Saul because he had destroyed so many in Jerusalem. Saul tried to tell the Jews that it was Christ' work, but after some days, the Jews decided to kill Saul. The disciples took him one night, and entered into Jerusalem. Barnabas took Saul and saw that he had indeed heard from the Lord.
After some time of doing the Lord's work along with Barnabas, Saul's name was changed to Paul because of the change he had made.
The story of Paul shows us that the Lord can change anyone's life. When he was Saul, he was an awful man that persecuted those that followed the Lord. He hated everything of God, and he wanted to get rid of all those that praised Him. Though, God was merciful and He allowed Saul a way to come to Him. He used a great disciple of God, Ananias, to do His work. Even though Saul had worked against God, God saw a bigger plan for him. God allowed him to receive the greatest gift, which is receiving God into his heart, and He allowed him to do His work. God took Saul out of his wicked ways and placed him into a great position of God. Due to these great changes, God blessed him with a new name, Paul.
The Lord can take the most wicked man out of darkness and bring him into light. Nothing is too big for God. God can use men of God, a blinding light, or anything else to show people that they need the Lord. From a different perspective, those that are followers of God needs to keep their hearts open to God because they might be the one that God calls on to help bring someone out of darkness. It's never too late to receive a new name. If the Lord is calling for you, answer His call, and he will make you anew. If the Lord is calling unto you to help someone else, answer His call, and he will bless you for it. God has His own ways of leading people to the Lord, and we must all keep our hearts open, so that can be the blessed one that is called upon to do His work.
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