
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Popularity Leads to Destruction

Romans 12:2 - "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Philippians 2:15 - "That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world."

The concept of fitting in is an issue that everyone faces in the world, but for someone that is trying to serve God, it can have horrible effects if they allow it to. Being a Christian, we are much different than the majority of the world around us. We are the children of God. God saved us with the intention that we would go out into an ungodly world to tell people of God's love and mercy. We are to be the good in the world, God's light, that we might overcome sin with the help of our Savior. Though, many times, the love of God is looked down upon on the Earth. Many look at Christians as being "goody-two shoes." People hate the fact that Christians try to do right by God. They seem to watch and wait for us to fail.The world would love for us to conform to be like them, and unfortunately, it works sometimes.

 The pressure from the world can sometimes be too much for a Christian's flesh. Christians can sometimes feel lonely because they are so different than most of the world, making them very vulnerable. People have a way of convincing others that maybe drinking one beer is okay, or smoking one cigarette is okay, when it isn't at all. Even Christians can become addicted to sin. I know that I have went through this many times. Some friends that I used to have convinced me to cheat one time, and I was hooked for the longest time. This went on for years before I was finally able to overcome it with the help from God. The world withholds people that are great at convincing others that a sin here and there is alright. Christians aren't immune to sin. They can become as sinful as the most wicked person in the world. If we let the world impact what we do, we are allowing the opportunity for great sin to come into our lives. More importantly, by conforming to the world, we are basically telling God that He wasn't good enough for us. 

Matthew 7:13 - "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:"

We as Christians have something much greater than the world will ever have; God. God lives inside of us. What can be greater than that? God has given us the promise of an eternity spent in Heaven with Him and His angels. What the world has to offer us cannot begin to compare with what God does. When God saves us, we are put on the straight way, as in Matthew 7:13. The broad way are for those that deny God, and is on their way to a destructive end. Unfortunately, the broad way is crowded with millions and millions of sinners. Sinners that are trying to bring everyone along with them, even if it means bringing Christians too. Of course, once saved, that can't be taken away from us, but the world can sure ruin our relationship with God. The devil has his hand in convincing sinners that the path they are on is okay, but it's not. God's path will lead to a joyous, eternity in Heaven, and the devil's path will end in a fiery Hell.

We all have a choice; the narrow or broad way. The broad way has so many people. It looks like loads of fun, and it has some of the most successful people in the world; movie stars, singers, politicians, etc. This way can be so enticing, but is the outcome int he end worth it? On the other-hand, the narrow way of God has fewer people, it doesn't promise an easy life, and it has a lot of hurt on it. Though, this way will end in eternity in Heaven. Do we want to have a luxurious life on Earth that we aren't promised tomorrow on, and end up in a torturous eternity, never to escape. Or do we want to live for God, even when it means the possibility of hurt, and end up in the most glorious eternity we could ever think of. It is our choice. God gives us the means of coming to Him, but it isn't mandatory that we choose His path. So, make your choice today. Be the light that God intended you to be, or you can choose to be another person on their way to destruction.

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