
Friday, August 7, 2015

R-rated Mistake

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to rent a movie. There wasn't many choices, so I chose Gone Girl, even though it was R-rated. I had heard a lot of people say that it was really good, and I figured that it couldn't be so bad, so I got it. This was one of the biggest mistakes I could have made.

This movie had so much sexual content that it is possible that it took up 75% of the movie. It was very graphic. I had never expected that anything like that could have been produced, and especially shown in a movie theatre. I felt so bad and sinful after watching it.

Even weeks after watching it and praying that God would forgive me for watching something so filthy, I still feel awful that I watched it. It's so sad that is how the world is today. It seems like everything is about sex. I shouldn't have watched it, and I regret it so much. As a forgiven sinner, I should've known better. Unfortunately, sometimes even Christians like myself, can be dragged into sin such as this. Sometimes, the world looks so tempting. It looks as if those living in sin are happier than those that are trying to follow God. They may be happier on Earth, but what will happen once they have to appear before God? We all have to keep in mind what God has promised us. He has promised us Heaven, and we need to abide by His laws. He deserves that. We won't be happy in a life full of sin if we are truly saved, and it certainly won't please God.

How did the world become like this? Why is sex and other awful temptations so enticing to the world today? Why are both men and women becoming objects of sex? I honestly felt so bad for the actors and actresses because they were depicted as being such sexual objects. They were being used for their physical attributes, rather than who they were. What happened to real love? We need to see a real, Godly love on television that we can look up to, rather than a lustful relationship that is all about the physical side. A real, loving relationship is focused around the love of God, and that is what the world needs to see. It might not be as popular and exciting, but we don't need exciting, we need God.

I can't promise that I won't ever sin again, because I will, but I'm going to be more mindful to what God would watch me to watch. Movies and books that are sinful are just going to hurt the relationship that a person has with God. I know that in my case, this movie made me have sinful thoughts, and it really put a barrier on my relationship with God. My heart was so burdened for days, and it took my mind off of what really mattered. Sin isn't worth any amount of time, money, fame, or anything that the world has to offer. Even a two-hour movie has the ability to ruin your relationship with God. Resisting sin is the best thing a person can do, and I hope that I can do better in the future because God deserves people that are dedicated to Him.

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