Hey guys! I will be sharing my experience as a Christian, helpful Bible verses, advice, and general Christian topics. Through this blog, I want to be a help to someone out there that is trying to live for God or might not know God yet, but needs Him in their life. I hope that I can do God justice with my writing, and I give him all the honor and glory. May God bless you all!
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Are You Going As Far As You Can For God?
Briefly, this movie is about a football team that is losing game after game. The coach gets right with God, and begins to put teaching the players about God before the actual game of football, which is ultimately successful. I highly recommend to watch this movie if you haven't already.
One day at practice, to show the players that they can do more than they think, the coach chooses a player that is a senior, who everyone looks to as a guide, to do a death crawl. A death crawl consists of a player holding another player on his back, and they must see how far they can crawl on their hands and feet across the field.
The coach wants the player to give the others a good role model to look toward, and show that he putting all of his strength into everything he does, so that the others will do the same. A blindfold is placed on the player's eyes, so that his view of the field will not influence how far he crawls; the furthest he had ever crawled was to the thirty yard line. As soon as the player begins to crawl, the coach is cheering him on, and when needed, pushing him to go farther.
The player begins to plead to be able to stop, or at least rest a moment, but the coach just keeps pushing and pushing him to go further and further. By the end of his crawl, the player is about to give up, and the coach tells him, "Just 30 more steps," then "10 more," then "one more." When the player falls down in defeat, he cries out in pain. The coach bends down to look the player in his eyes, and tells him to look up and says, "You're in the in-zone."
Everyone that was there stood in amazement with their jaws dropped. None of the players believed that he could make it that far, but the coach did.
Much like a coach in football, God is our coach. He is pushing us to go farther for Him. Are we doing all that we can for Him? Or, are we just doing enough to get by?
In life, there are a lot of times that we will be put in situations that scare us. Situations that we have never faced before, and have never successfully been through. Does that mean that we don't try? God knows our strengths, and He is fully aware of what we can handle. Plus, God will be with us every step of every day of our lives. We don't have to go through one single thing alone, for God is always cheering us on, and pushing us to do more for Him.
So, it is time to ask ourselves; are we just doing enough to get by? God has a limit for everyone, and He doesn't want us to stop until we reach that limit. God will let us know when that limit is in front of us, but until then, we have got to keep pushing ourselves to be more for God. If we let God have control of our lives, we will look up one day, and be amazed at where He has taken us.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Receiving Jesus VS. Professing Jesus
When I was around twelve, I got under conviction. God was drawing me to Him one night at Bible School, and the teacher prayed with me, and after the prayer, I thought that I was saved, simply because I went through the process of praying to God. I professed to everyone that I accepted Jesus into my heart, but in reality, I hadn't at all. At the time, I didn't really understand what it was to get saved. I knew that I needed salvation, but I didn't fully understand the severity of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. So, needless to say, nothing changed in my life. I continued living in my sin, and God was clearly not present in my life. For a long time, I told the world I was saved because I didn't want them to think badly of me, and I wanted to believe that I was saved. Though, this was only taking away chance after chance of me getting truly right with God. Thankfully, God kept giving me opportunities to get saved, and thank God, I accepted Jesus on March 31st, 2011. After I did get saved, and I committed my life to God, which wasn't instant, I saw everything in such a new light.
Romans 10:9-10 - "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
Monday, September 28, 2015
Elements of Christian Love
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Friday, September 25, 2015
Sinners Are Not to Be Envied
In the book of Habakkuk, Habakkuk also felt this way about the people around him. During this time, there was much violence in Judah. The people of Judah had turned away from God, but Habakkuk stayed faithful to God. Habakkuk hated what what had happened to the people of Judah, and didn't understand why God let them by with their sins.
This frustration leads to Habakkuk questioning God of His intentions, and in turn, God answers Habakkuk. Habakkuk questioned God why He had let violence go such a long period of time, and God answered saying that he was rising up an army of Babylonians, a very violent people, to come and take down the people of Judah. Further along, Habakkuk questioned God's intentions of why He would use such a sinful people to come destroy the city of Judah when God was supposed to love the people of Judah. God replies with saying that He would use the Babylonians because they are a fearless people, and they wouldn't back down. God also says that the Babylonians will not go unpunished though, for they have sinned as well.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Be Addicted to God
In the Bible, God gives several reasons why one should not drink alcohol, for it is a sin. Here is six of those reasons:
1) Alters Thinking: Proverbs 20:1 - "Wine [is] a mocker, strong drink [is] raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."
Alcohol takes away a person's deception of right and wrong. They can't think clearly, which prevents them from thinking in a Godly mindset. When one cannot decipher what is Godly and what is not Godly, their flesh is going to take control, and lead them in the wrong direction.
2) Addiction: Isaiah- "Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, [that] they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, [till] wine inflame them!"
Alcohol is addicting. Many people will start out drinking a glass of wine here or a bottle of beer there, but once they become addicted, it takes over their life. Addictions are not easy to control or even predict. It can lead up to consequences you're not prepared for.
3) Gateway Sin: Galatians 5:19-21 - "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness."
Alcohol leads to many other sins. Because a person can't think correctly, they are going to do things that they usually wouldn't. A lot of the time, alcohol brings out emotions that a person wouldn't usually express. For example, if a person likes another as more than a friend, the distorted thought process could lead to premarital sex, which is fornication, and said in Galations.
4) Becomes Problem Solver: Proverbs 31:6 - "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts."
Due to the fact that alcohol takes away a person's ability to think straight, people will take advantage of this to forget their problems. Though, alcohol just multiplies the problem. The true problem that a person is facing grows, even when the person is blocking it out of their minds with alcohol. Dealing with the problem in a straightforward manner is what will bring about a solution, not hiding from the problem.
5) Cannot Enter Heaven: Galatians- "Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."
God says that drunkards will not enter into Heaven. This is the worst thing that alcohol can do to a person. Drinking is a sin, just like murdering someone; God states this clearly in this verse. Sin will send a person to Hell. Of course, a person can be saved and still drink, but the relationship with God isn't going to be there, and for those that are not saved, alcohol is a huge obstacle in the way of ever reaching God.
6) Changes the Heart: Hosea- "Whoredom and wine and new wine take away the heart."
Addiction to alcohol has the ability to change the nicest person in the world into the biggest jerk. I'm sure that we have all saw someone that has been affected by alcohol use. Half of the kids that I went to high school with, some of the best friends I had, aren't the same people inside that I used to know; all due to alcohol and sin that flourished from it in their life.
Having the "cool" image that drinking alcohol can bring about isn't worth sacrificing your soul. Alcohol distorts everything good in your life, and turns it into something ugly. Relationships can be ruined, hearts broken, and lives completely turned upside down. Life is hard, and the only person that can help is God. God will face the problem head on, and right by your side. He never makes you face a problem alone, but if you turn to alcohol, you might be surprised to be alone someday, still having the same problems as before, but with more depth. Choose God over the world. If you're going to have an addiction, make it serving God, because that's an addiction that won't let you fall.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
The Errors of Predestination
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Today is the Day to Change Your Life
When God saves us, we are made new, but we have to be willing to give our hearts to God, and this doesn't always happen instantly. When I got saved, I kept a lot of my bad habits, even though I knew that they were wrong; I wasn't strong enough at the time to give them up. As time went on, the guilt kept building and building inside of me because I knew that I was sinning against God. I am now at the point that the burden is becoming too much to bear, which is why I have decided to make some drastic changes.
Throughout my life, I have made many mistakes; the biggest one for me is how I have shut my heart off to love. Even after becoming saved, I did this, which is incredibly wrong of me to do. I haven't loved my family like they have loved me. I haven't said 'I love you' like I should, or said 'thank you' like I should, but I have decided to change that today. No longer am I going to let love feel like a weakness to me, because it's not, it's the greatest strength that we could ever have. Today is the day that I'm going to devote to having a more loving heart, and to express that love better than I ever have before.
I want to be held to this commitment that I am making today, which is why I am posting it in a blog post. I want others to see that I am making a devotion to God, and it should be kept no matter what. I want to be held accountable for what I do. It's about time that I take this leap of faith, and I hope that others will not wait like I did, and change their life today.
Monday, September 21, 2015
5 Things That Makes Being a Christian the Best Thing In the World.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Before Meeting Your Helpmeet
One definition of a help-meet can be, "a helpful companion or partner, especially one's husband or wife." In the sense of marriage, a help-meet is someone that loves another person, and wants to be with them for the rest of their lives, through thick and thin, to help and comfort them through every step of life. In a Godly relationship, marriage is much different than the normal, everyday marriage. A Godly marriage has God at the center of the marriage. Not only do the two people have to worry about taking care of one another, but they must also make sure that they are living for God, and encouraging each other in their walk with God. Of course, a Godly marriage may take more work because they are following more rules, but having God at the center of one's marriage will be what keeps the two people together, and will continue their love throughout their lives.
Preparing for this type of relationship is very important because a relationship begins before even meeting the other person. You can touch the other person's life without even knowing them, and you can get yourself ready to be a better spouse as well. Here are 5 ways to prepare yourself for this meeting:
1) Love Yourself: Ephesians 2:10- "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
God made us exactly how he wants us to be; even the quirks and imperfections, and they should be honored because they are from God. If we don't love those things about ourselves, how do we expect someone else to love them? By having different qualities that others might not possess, we are special to the world, and someone will adore the qualities that God gives us.
2) Seek God: Psalms 119:10- "With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments."
God blesses when we are following Him and His word. If we are to honor Him, He will honor us, and give us a Godly spouse. A strong relationship with God will lead to a great, loving relationship with the right person, because God will be the at the center of it.
3) Pray: Philippians 4:6,7- "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."
Finding the person that we will spend the rest of our lives with is one of the biggest decisions that we will ever make, therefore, we need to pray a lot about it. We need to pray that God will lead us and direct us to the person, and that we will be a Godly spouse to whoever it may be. Also, we need to pray dearly for the person we are supposed to be with. It is important to pray about the other person's life and walk with God because this is the person that we will raise a family with, and it's important to know God is the center of their life.
4) Trust: Proverbs 3:5- "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
Waiting for something so important takes a lot of patience and trust. We must trust that God knows exactly what He's doing, which He does. It's important to have faith in God because He knows what's best for us, while we would mess everything up if we were in control.
5) Be Pure: Hebrews 13:4- "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."
In any Godly relationship, it is super important that purity is a key element. Before marriage, two people that are in a relationship with one another should enter into marriage being pure because this is how God wants it to be. Refraining from immoral behavior will only make the relationship stronger because they are using their strength to wait until marriage, and they are telling one another that they consider each other worthy of waiting for, even before meeting the person they will marry. Waiting for the one, special person to marry, and then being able to act how married couples should, tells the other person that they honor them and God enough to wait.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
The Future Is Not Promised; Do For NOW!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Silence is Golden
Ecclesiastes 3:7- "A time to rend , and a time to sew ; a time to keep silence , and a time to speak."
Proverbs 17:27,28- "He that hath knowledge sparethhis words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. Even a fool,when he holdeth his peace , is countedwise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding."
God says that there is a time to stay silent. During this time of silence, God is working.
In life, there are times that we get angry, and we can say the wrong thing and go against what God would've wanted for that situation. Or we can get impatient, and say something out of the blue, without considering the consequences. I know that there are many times that I do this, and there are many times that I would like to tell someone exactly how I think, but I can't do this while following God's path.
When we are in a situation that it is important to consult God, but yet, we say what we want anyways, we are changing the plans that God had for that situation. God could be working, but because we have went ahead with our own thoughts and opinions, God's plan has been overtook. If God would have us to say nothing at all, He is dealing with the situation, alone.
Silence can be what someone needs to take a step toward getting right with God; an interruption could be detrimental. For example, if someone is building up the courage to ask a question about God but they are interrupted, this could take away the motivation they had, therefore, they don't ask the question.
We have to always consider if God would have us to say something, or if it is best to bite out tongue. Saying something that is not of God could do damage to someone else's or our own relationship with God. We must always consider the consequences when we are speaking to someone, and we must know when to leave someone be. We might doubt what the best might be for us or another person, but God always knows what he's doing. God's actions speak much louder than our words ever could.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Using Our God-Given Talent For The Lord
Matthew 25:15 - "And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey."
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Talk the Talk, AND Walk the Walk
Monday, September 14, 2015
Beware of Sharks
Sunday, September 13, 2015
The Benefits of a Good Name
Saturday, September 12, 2015
How to Be Happy in Your Walk With God
Proverbs 17:22- "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."
Having a joyous and thankful heart is one of the key characteristics that a Christian must possess, in order to see their relationship with God flourish. God is looking for the purest of hearts to represent Him. If Christians drag around all the time, tired and sad, people are not going to be influenced to find God in their own life. In a world that is becoming more sinful and stressful, how can we make sure to be happy?
Find Wisdom: Proverbs 3:13 - "Happy [is] the man [that] findeth wisdom, and the man [that] getteth understanding." Wisdom comes from learning about God, and knowledge of God comes from the Bible. If we are to read and study our Bible, we can have the hope that comes from God's word, and have the knowledge to explain God's love to others. When there is hope, there is happiness.
Do Good: Ecclesiastes 3:12- "I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life." When we do right by God, we will find God's blessings. God rewards those that follows Him, and good works will not be in vain.
Be Content: Hebrews 13:5-"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." If we are unhappy with the things that we have now, nothing in the world will ever bring us happiness, because we are always going to want more. In reality, if we have God, we have everything. God's love is more than enough, and no possession can replace that.
Love Others: Galatians 5:14-"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Hate take more energy than loving someone. Hate brings strife and darkness into a person's heart, while love cleanses the heart. If we are to love those around us, a positive outlook will follow.
Worship/Serve: Exodus 23:25- "And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee." When we praise God for what He has done for us, we will find joy in our hearts, for a grateful spirit is highly honored by God. By coming together in our place of worship, we can find happiness among our fellow Christians, and find encouragement from one another.
God is the center of happiness. If we are to follow Him, we are guaranteed an eternity of happiness in Heaven. No work of God will ever go in vain, for it will be cherished. Obey God and His word, and sadness and depression will be feelings of the past.
Friday, September 11, 2015
One Lie Brings Much Destruction
Thursday, September 10, 2015
The Rich Man's Downfall
In Luke chapter 16, the story of the rich man is told. The rich man was clothed in expensive, purple clothes and lived an extravagant life.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Mary, the Chosen Servant of God
Mary and Joseph were engaged to be married when an angel came unto Mary, telling her that she was to become pregnant with the Son of God, Jesus. Mary questioned the angel, seeing that she hadn't been with a man. Though, Mary had faith saying, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word" (Luke 1:38).
The term, handmaid, ultimately means servant. According to Google, a servant is someone who is "a devoted and helpful follower or supporter," which is exactly what Mary was. Mary was telling the angel that she was willing to give her entire life for God and abide by His word, even when it seemed completely crazy to her. Today, if a woman was to tell us that God had given her a baby, without being with a man, we would think she had lost her mind. Same goes for Mary, who was shocked by the angel's words, but still stood by God.
Doubting God when He tells us that something is going to happen, even when it may seem impossible, is preventing us from furthering our faith in God. If we want God to use us in his ministry, we must be like Mary, and have strong faith in Him, no matter what the request is. God works in mysterious and amazing ways. God's will isn't always going to be obvious, and we have to be prepared to face the worst or strangest sometimes.
Mary's life turned out incredibly well, and it was all because she kept her faith in God. She could have turned away from God, and brushed the ridiculous words off her shoulder, but instead, she chose to embrace the words of God, and accept any ridicule that may have came her way for the way that her becoming pregnant looked to the world. Because of her faith, she became one of the greatest roles in the history of the world; Jesus' mother.
In life, there are going to be plenty of challenges that comes our way. God will test our faith with requests that may seem ridiculous, and might bring a lot of ridicule from others into our life, but if we choose God, He will carry us through. Mary trusted in God, and He brought her through, and she received blessings beyond belief. God will do the same for us if we stand for Him. God has the ability to use us in great ways in the world, and we have to be willing to abide by His word to do so. He wants the most faithful and trusting servants to represent Him, and if we do so, God will shine our light out into the world.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
When the Masterpiece Gets Ruined
Ephesians 2:10
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
Yesterday, I was playing with play dough with my little cousin. I worked very hard on making a giraffe from the play dough, and I finally got it to where it was perfect in my eyes. Once I got done, I was very proud of the work that I had done. Though, knowing the play dough would dry out, I had to take it apart and put it back in the containers. This sparked a thought in my head; it doesn't matter how much time and effort you put into something, it can be easily destroyed within seconds. In a sense, we are God's play dough. He sees us as his masterpieces. When He formed Adam and Eve in the beginning, He formed them to be perfect in His eyes. Though, they soon ruined that image when they ate of the tree of knowledge, and ruined the perfection that God had put so much effort into creating. In society, we put such an effort into preserving famous works of art from the past. We see paintings of Van Gogh and Michelangelo that are praised and adored, but what about God's work of art? Being God's creation, we are all special in our own way, and the beauty that God gave us should be preserved and honored. The beauty that God gave us comes from having a pure heart, modest appearance, dedication to God, etc. When we sin, our beauty is damaged, and God is disappointed. As Christians, we should try and protect God's masterpiece. We should present ourselves in a Godly and kind manner to the world. We should be something that others look at as an example for their own life. God's work should not be in vain. |
Monday, September 7, 2015
Why Waiting is Apart of God's Plans
Patience is one of the most common characteristics that people lack. People find it very difficult to even wait five minutes for something. When we are in a restaurant, we want our food to automatically get to us, or when we start a new job, we want to reap the benefits of making money right away. We are in the generation of "I want it right now," but God's plans are not on our time. God uses waiting to test us, to see if we will do what He says. There are different tests that God puts us through concerning finding our will, and here is just a few:
1) To test our trust in God: Hebrews 11:1 - "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
It's easy to say that we trust God, but what happens when we are forced to wait? The majority of the time, we lose faith in God. We want something so bad at the exact moment that we figure that God isn't going to stand by His word when there isn't an automatic answer. When we start doubting Him, God loses faith in us as well. If we aren't willing to trust God, why would God send us blessings? God wants to bless those that wait on Him. He wants to have faithful servants that He can trust to be a light to the world.
2) Appreciation: Hebrews 13:5 - "[Let your] conversation [be] without covetousness; [and be] content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
If we don't appreciate what we have now, what makes us think that we will appreciate something else that God gives us in the future? God wants to be able to know that we will honor and appreciate what He does for us. He doesn't want His blessings to us to be in vain.
3) Patience: Isaiah 40:31 - "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint."
God wants to know that we honor Him enough that we are willing to wait upon Him. When we rush God, it seems as if we are taking advantage of God for His blessings. We want a quick answer to our prayers, when in reality, God is waiting to answer us because He is creating something much greater than we could imagine.
4) Motives: Proverbs 21:2 - "Every way of a man [is] right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts."
God wants to see that we are praying for the right reasons. A lot of the time, we pray for things that we want, instead of things that we need or have a good reason for. We need to be selfless when we are praying for something or someone. Once God sees that our heart is true, then, He will choose how He wants to answer our prayers.
Our hearts are not always set on the things of God when we are praying for something or someone, which is why it is so important to put it in God's hands. God knows exactly what the outcomes and consequences of something will be, and He will do what is best for us. All we have to do is give our burdens to God, and wait upon Him to show us His will.