Proverbs 31:30-31 - Favour [is] deceitful, and beauty [is] vain: [but] a woman [that] feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
The world is teaching women that beauty is the most important thing, but what they don't teach is what happens after their beauty has faded. Women put such emphasis on looking the most attractive, so much that their personality fades while in the process. The obsession with looking the best on the outside causes the internal self to turn ugly. Some women become very self-centered when their beauty is praised all the time. Once we become older, and our beauty isn't at its best, we want to be left with an internal self that is loved and cherished by people that were never interested in our beauty, but our heart. We want to most importantly, be able to stand before God, knowing that we lived for Him, and not the world.
In the dating world, the right guy will love you for what you present to the world internally, rather than externally. If a guy is only looking at your looks, that's what the relationship will be about. Without an emotional connection, there is no point to the relationship at all. A sincere guy wants someone that they can confide in, honor, and respect. The physical relationship might fade over the years, but a friendship between spouses will never dim, which is what God always intended.
Proverbs 31:26 - She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue [is] the law of kindness.
Instead of being wise, women are more and more becoming just a pretty face. So many times, women will play dumb to get a guy's attention because they think that guys wants someone that they can control. What does this show a guy besides the fact that they are willing to disrespect their own intelligence to get a guy that is more than likely temporary in their lives? A real man will love your intelligence, and he will honor it.
On the other hand, some women will act overly aggressive to get a guy's attention. They will try to force a guy into liking them, and most of the time, this includes displaying themselves as sexual objects. A real man doesn't want this. He will want to be an equal with you; not one person controlling the other, but a sincere care for one another, looking past the physical attributes.
God gives us wisdom to show the world our terrific features that God blessed us with. God made some people science wizes, and some, builders, and others are great teachers. Whatever a person possesses, it is a blessing from God, and He wants someone in their life that will cherish it. Most importantly, a woman having the wisdom of God, knowledge of the Bible and of God, a man of God will love that he can grow his relationship alongside his spouse. A Godly couple is able to encourage each other in God's work, and it is a true blessing.
Proverbs 31:25 - Strength and honour [are] her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
As time goes on, the clothing on women seems to become shorter and shorter. We are seeing more thigh, stomach, and back than ever before. This type of clothing was designed to be attractive to the eye, and it sure does its job. When a woman wears clothing that is ungodly, she is presenting herself to the world as wanting a physical relationship. Instead of showing off her wonderful personality and skills, she is showing off her physical attributes.
When in a relationship with a guy, the man should be able to respect the woman. A woman that is hardly dressed is not going to get the respect she deserves because she is making herself an item. Men of God won't be able to look past this type of clothing, and more than likely won't give the woman a chance, because they are looking for someone that loves God as well, and will present themselves of God. A person can be a Christian on the inside, but wear immodest clothing, and be judged on their outward appearance. If a woman is Godly, inside and out, they will find the right guy that God has for them.
As a Christian woman, it can be very hard in the dating world. I have yet to find a guy that I can connect with, while him also being a Christian, but I know that waiting is worth it. God works on His time, not anyone elses'. There are reasons that God has us to wait on the right guy, and I believe that it is mostly because God wants us to work on ourselves before joining someone else. God wants us to gain wisdom and grow in our relationship with Him before having to juggle someone else in our lives as well. Being single allows more time for God, and once we reach that ideal relationship with Him, I believe that God will provide us with the right person. The right person will love us for our love for God and the traits that God blessed us with. Be a woman of God, and a man of God will find you.